Mimi Booth, ceramics

Mimi Booth, ceramics

Mimi Booth, ceramics
On top of a dome, the bird-brained emperor has no clothes. This ancient style of a Peruvian double vessel is filled with water, tipped, and the air pressure blows through a hidden whistle, creating a loon like mourn. Pajaros En La Cabeza gives a feeling of empowerment, a way to express the incompetency of the 45th president, as well as occasional giggles.
The denial of climate change and damaging environmental decisions were the motivations for creating Mar a Lago. Modeled after an ancient Chinese jar used to store food for the tomb master, the architectural style was changed to the architecture of Mar a Lago. Guarded by alligators in the swamp that never got drained, it fulfills many fantasies as rising seas are threatening Mar a Lago in this porcelain celadon jar.
Missile shaped chess players of Trump and 15 Disciples represents the president and his original cabinet members. Hand-carved in the style of pre-Columbian Mesoamerican bas reliefs, the players contain significant symbols embodying the individual’s traits or the cabinet positions. Instead of opposing players, there are hundreds of pebbles, stamped with hands, representing millions of resisters around the world. An interactive piece, viewers take pebbles from a bowl, placing them onto the stoneware chessboard, creating a mountain of resisters.
All of the remaining pieces in this small body of work represent the direction that I was compelled to explore during the current presidential nonleadership. Their relevancy during this election year is meant to encourage participation, to provoke thought, and to provide a bit of humor during difficult times. All artist proceeds will be donated toward environmental causes.