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Michael Steffen

My photography interests went from old to new…   A neighbor asked me to digitize some slides from 1945. Her dad in medical corp stationed in recently liberated Germany. An avid photographer with newly available color film, he took these rare pix of Nazi jet fighter planes still in the testing stage 75 years ago.   Then I digitized some of my family pix. The automobile photo is 102 years ago, my mom being the infant.  The formal family pix shows complete 3 generations of my moms family [ mom on left ]

I use this photo often to explain family relationships to the younger family.  I wonder what imagery will be available 100 years from now that documents the past...

Michael Steffen,  Looking to the Past

Michael Steffen, Looking to the Past

Archival Ink 13 x 19





Michael Steffen, Self Portrait

Michael Steffen, Self Portrait

Archival Ink 15 x15





Michael Steffen,  Osprey

Michael Steffen, Osprey

Archival Ink 15 x 30





Michael Steffen, Ten Mile Beach

Michael Steffen, Ten Mile Beach

Archival Ink 24 x 18





Michael Steffen, Noyo Headlands

Michael Steffen, Noyo Headlands

Archival Ink, 30 x 20





71 E. Commercial St.

PO Box 503

Willits, CA 95490


Friday - Sunday

11am - 5pm


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Thank you to our Members and Named Supporters:

$15,000 +

Chris Forest

Upstate California Creative Corps


$10,000 +

Mary Guibert


$5,000 +

The Community Foundation

Draw ‘Til You Drop /Elizabeth Raybee

Jane Camp

Willits Chamber of Commerce


$2,500 +

Emma Good Scholarship Fund

Howard Foundation

Bruce and Cassandra Anditch

The Bill Graham Foundation

Steven and Lana Eberhard

Michelle Havenhill and Mark Henriques

Harley Hegefer

Jim Hinkle

Maggie Graham


 $1,000 +

The Martin Family of Ohio

The Rotary Club of Willits

Spencer Brewer and Friends 

VA58 Neighborhood Partnership Foundation


$500 +

James and Jeanne King

Norma Hanson

Johnson Quality Tree Care

Northern Aggregates

Al and Beth Rosen

The Savings Bank of Mendocino County

Carolyn Stewart

Michael and Dayle Deer

Seven Zero Seven Leef Labs

C. Stewart

$200 +

Barra Vineyards

Electric Floral Tattoos

Kim Bancroft

Esbeth Bjornstrom

Larry and Marisela Desmond

Frey Vineyards

John and Doreen Glyer

Mendo Mill

Pennyroyal and Navarro Vineyards Susana Wilson

Doreen Glyer

Glenn Makihara

Marjorie Barbour

Beth Rosen

Ware/Page Family

Sharon Collins

Deviyana Livneh

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